Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I WANT YOU To Watch the Movie !!!

Pixar studio have never disappointed me, and I think it is something that millions of their fans around the world will agree. From the scripts, drawings, and the scenes, they make the audience impressed. As 3D technology began to appear and popular, they brought Up to conquer us all. Like director Michael Mayer once said: " This is cinematic art of the highest caliber, and completely accessible in the very best way. Who could ask for anything more? ''. For me, Up is perhaps the most impressive film of Disney that Pixar Studio could ever create. Even though it is just a animated movie, it has a valuable lesson that is hidden in it. Up is one of my favorite cartoons that I have watched. From the first seconds of the film, Up has given me very true feelings about love. And certainly, everyone agrees with me that those first seconds are the most expensive moments of the film. Up does not only present dream but also tinge to everyone to protect the magnificent creatures, protect primary forest fragments, do not because the immediate benefits that we forget that our beloved Earth is gradually dying because of emissions, and vegetation is increasingly being narrowed because of human's hands. After all, Up is not only a story of love in life but it is also a lesson on how to preserve the small happiness around us !

Work Cited

"Michael Mayer On PETE DOCTER Of 'Up'." Daily Variety 306.2 (2010): A3. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.

"Up Married Life Carl Ellie." YouTube. YouTube, 12 Nov. 2011. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
""Up" Themes: Relationships." The Dream of Pixar. N.p., 14 Mar. 2011. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.

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